Materials Frontiers 2024 ISSUE 3 (Total ISSUE 71)
April 17, 2024 10:00 ~ 11:00 Yiucheng Lecture Hall (500), Xu Zuyao Building

Innovations in laser additive manufacturing: from Research to Applications

Guest SpeakerSenior Scientist TAN ChaolinSingapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology



Inviter: Assoc. Professor DU Dafan



Date&Time: Wednesday  17. Apr. 10:00-11:00


Venue: Yiucheng Lecture Hall (500), Xu Zuyao Building


Dr. Tan Chaolin is currently a Senior Scientist and Chief Researcher at the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), as well as a foreign supervisor for the China Scholarship Council (CSC). He is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham in the UK and a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM). His research primarily focuses on the fundamentals and applications of metal additive manufacturing (3D printing) equipment, processes, and materials. Dr. Tan was listed as one of the top 2% scientists globally in 2022 and 2023. He has led three research projects, including the Singapore Aerospace Special Project. As a first and corresponding author, he has published 36 SCI papers in journals such as Advanced Science and the International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, with 16 papers having an impact factor greater than 10 and 4 papers being ESI hotspots with high citations. He has been cited 3000 times on Google Scholar with an H-Index of 28. Dr. Tan has authored two monographs on additive manufacturing and holds multiple granted or pending invention patents. He serves as an Editorial Board member for the prestigious journal International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture (IF 14) and as a junior editor for journals in the first zone of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, including International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing (IF 14.7), Journal of Materials Science & Technology (IF 10.9), Rare Metals (IF 8.8), and Materials Research Letters (IF 8.3). He is also a reviewer for over 20 SCI journals, including Nature Communications, Acta Materialia, Additive Manufacturing, Composites Part B: Engineering, and Journal of Materials Science & Technology.




Laser additive manufacturing (LAM) is a mainstream 3D printing technology that creates 3D objects layerwise using a high-energy laser beam. LAM offers design freedom and manufacturing flexibility for processing high-performance materials and complex geometries. Materials, structure, process, and performance are critical aspects to advance LAM. To leverage the unique metallurgy behaviour, materials distribution flexibility and geometry complexity capability of LAM, this report will highlight materials design for LAM, complex structures manufacturing, and innovative LAM processes to recap the frontier R&D findings. The main content includes: (i) Machine learning assisted material customization for LAM, (ii) heterogeneous materials and structures, and (iii) innovative LAM processes with coaxial wire feeding or auxiliary energy fields. The future perspectives on R&D in additive manufacturing are also outlined.