SJTU High-throughput Materials Characterization Beam Line user conference at SSRF

November 07, 2022 5602

On November 7, 2022, School of Materials Science and Engineering (SMSE) and Zhangjiang Institute for Advanced Study (ZIAS) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) organized a user conference for SJTU high-throughput materials characterization beam line at SSRF in the Lecture Hall at Building 6 in Zhangjiang Science Park. The meeting was held both online and offline with 20 experts from all over China, and the officials and project teams from SJTU, and Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF).

The offline venue of the seminar

Some of the leaders and experts of the online venue

In the welcome speech, Mr. Dan WU, Deputy Director of the Council of SJTU and the Commander of the construction headquarters of Zhangjiang Campus pointed out that materials genome initiative is an emerging field of materials science, which will overturn the traditional trial-and-error mode of research and bring the research and development of the new materials and new processes into the big data era. Synchrotron radiation light source is a key facility for high-throughput material characterization. The construction of the world's first dedicated beam line for materials genome research at SSRF will further unleash the potential of the national large scientific infrastructure, which is of great significance and urgency. Dr. Aiguo LI, Deputy Director of SSRF and Prof. Dao XIANG, Executive Director of ZIAS, SJTU also spoke respectively, expressing the hope for both parties to further strengthen cooperation, to complete the project approval process, and move into the construction and implementation stage as soon as possible.

Deputy Director of SSRF Aiguo LI spoke

SJTU Executive Director of ZIAS Dao XIANG spoke

Prof. Hong WANG from SMSE and ZIAS, Prof. Lanting ZHANG from SMSE and Prof. Feng LIU, from School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (SCCE) gave a detailed introduction to the design of the beam line and the experiment hub, including the key parameters of the beam line, the functions to be achieved. Eight users offered their ideas on specific applications of the beam line, ranging from the development of non-equilibrium materials to the determination of the dynamic structure of soft matter, and the degradation catalysis, etc. Prof. Weihua WANG, academician, CAS, from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences believes that the completion of the line station will significantly accelerate the discovery process of new amorphous alloys. The composition of the new amorphous alloy that published in Nature in 2019 by him and his team took one and half years of intensive experiments using the combinatorial materials chips. These experiments can be shortened to a month or even a week or two on a dedicated beam line.

The expert group leader, Prof. HaiZhou WANG, academician, CAE, of the Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, presided over the discussion session in the afternoon. The experts highly appraised the proposal of the SJTU high-throughput materials characterization beam line at SSRF and put forward a series of valuable suggestions. The beam line is considered of great strategic significance for promoting materials genome research, accelerating materials discovery and development, reducing materials R&D costs and serving national key needs. The construction plan is concrete and feasible. The expert group unanimously recommended that the project be approved as soon as possible and the design and construction of the dedicated beam line be accelerated.

 Some offline participants of the conference